

The game of hurling is one of the oldest and fastest field sports in existence today. Ireland’s signature sport was first mentioned in accounts of the epic Battle of Moytura, which took place in the 13th century BC and began with a bloody 27-a-side hurling match.
One of the greatest hurlers in Irish legend is Cúchulainn (pronounced Coo-KULL-In). Born as Sétanta, his name was changed after killing a fierce hound, owned by Culainn, with a silver sliothar (hurling ball). Upon killing the prized watchdog, the young warrior offered his services in its place and thus became Like Ireland itself, the game of hurling has been marked by a turbulent past.
In 1366 AD, laws were enforced in an effort to stop the propagation of the Irish culture and heritage to the invading Anglo-Normans. But hurling was much too popular with the Irish and the new Norman settlers, and the game continued.Despite other bans instituted by the British, the game survived as a casual pastime until the late 19th century, when hurling experienced a revival as a part of the Irish independence movement.
In 1884, the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) was founded by Michael Cusack and other Irish nationalists in County Tipperary, with the mission of promoting this and other native games, and continues to govern Irish sport to this day.
The All-Ireland finals are the highlight of the annual sporting calendar, attracting nearly 90,000 spectators to the championship game in Dublin’s massive and revered Croke Park stadium. But the game has spread beyond the emerald isle as well. Today, there are more than 400 GAA clubs throughout the Americas as well as in Asia, Australia, the Middle East, and in Europe, involving not only Irish expatriates, but, like the MHC, athletes from many background who are unified by the love of this challenging, dynamic sport

What is the MHC?
The Milwaukee Hurling Club is one of largest hurling clubs in America. Unlike most other clubs, the MHC fields co-ed teams, and is primarily made up of players who are American-born and not native to the sport.
Players of all levels are welcome to join. Many of our members have found that joining the MHC is a great way to get fit, learn a new sport, and make new friends. Today it boasts a membership of more than 300 adults and youth.

What is the hurling season like?
MHC pre-season training begins in March. New players take part in a “rookie camp” that teaches the basic skills and the rules of the game. At the end of spring training, club captains hold a “draft,” using a custom computer program, in which players are evaluated, ranked, and evenly distributed on teams based on skill level and experience.
The 10-week playing season begins in May and runs through the end of August. Games take place on Sundays, with each team playing one game of two 30-minute halves. The season culminates with playoff matches and, ultimately, the championship game.
Club practice sessions, which include a variety of drills designed to build skills and endurance, are held on Thursday evenings throughout the season, as well as on Sundays in the pre-season.

Where does the MHC practice and play?
The MHC’s “home field” for practices and games is located at Brown Deer Park in northern Milwaukee County. Occasionally, the club competes with teams from other cities. Matches are also played every year at Irish Fest.


  • 1996 Spurred on by a friend who’d discovered hurling on a trip to Ireland, a group of 24 assembled in a muddy field on Milwaukee’s lakefront to try their hand at an ancient
    sport that was new to them: hurling.
  • 1997 4 teams formed, enabling MHC to hold regular games.
  • 2002 The MHC fields its first youth teams.
  • 2003 Winner, Women’s (Camogie) USGAA (United States Gaelic Athletic Association) Junior Championship
  • 2004 Winner, Women’s (Camogie) USGAA Junior Championship
  • 2006 Founding member Dave Olson receives the GAA President’s Award – the first such honor for someone born outside of Ireland. That same year, the club played before Irish President Mary McAleese in a scrimmage at Milwaukee’s Irish Fest.
  • 2006 Winner, Women’s (Camogie) USGAA Junior Championship
  • 2007 Winner, Men’s USGAA Junior B Championship
  • 2007 MHC Youth hurlers travel to Ireland.
  • 2008 Winner, Men’s USGAA Junior B Championship
  • 2009 MHC Youth hurlers make second trip to Ireland.
  • 2010 Winner, Women’s (Camogie) USGAA Junior Championship
  • 2013 Winner, Men’s USGAA Junior C Championship
  • 2013 Men’s Travelling Team invited to compete in the Aer Lingus International Hurling Festival in Galway.
  • 2015 Winner, Men’s USGAA Junior B Championship
  • 2016 Winner, Non-native Championship, Etihad World Games in Dublin (Combined team from Central Division)