2023 Fall Ball Info

2023 MHC Fall Outdoor League
Informational Flyer

2023 MHC Adult Members and July/August Rookie Camp participants are eligible to

Saturday; September 23; 11:00 am; 12:30 pm Saturday, September 30; 11:00 am; 12:30 pm
Saturday; October 7; 11:00 am; 12:30 pm Saturday, October 14; 11:00 am; 12:30 pm
Saturday, October 21; 11:00 am; 12:30 pm Saturday, October 28; 11:00 am; 12:30 pm

Brown Deer Park, Area 2 (Our MHC Field)
League Format
Four teams with two captains per team. Each player will be assigned to a team through a draft –
the same process used for team assignment during the regular season. Each team will be assigned
a color and each player on that team must wear a shirt\t-shirt of that color while on the field. A
round-robin format will be used for league play. Each team will play every other team twice.
We can accommodate up to 80 players on a first come, first serve basis. Depending on
participation, we will either play 13-on-13 matches or 15-on-15 matches. As with the regular
season, all fall league participants are guaranteed at least three quarters of game-day play.
Game-day play is identical to the regular season – one-hour games divided into four quarters.
Teams playing in the first game (11:00, a.m.) are responsible for goal and field set-up. Teams
playing in the second game (12:30 p.m.) are responsible for taking down the goals and returning
the field to pre-play condition. Captains will assign sideline judges and goal judges. Referees
will be assigned by the Club.
Players must have their own helmet and hurley. Replacement sticks will be available, but players
will need to pay for them – cost TBD.


RSVP Deadline

Questions – Contact Brian Dake at rookies@hurling.net.