Code of Conduct

Fully read and review this code.  Go back to the Membership page to accept when finished.


The Code of Conduct for all players outlines the rules which should be observed and practiced by all Club members to ensure everyone will enjoy themselves while participating in the Milwaukee Hurling Club.

Our Values

  • The members and supporters of the Milwaukee Hurling Club come from all walks of life and backgrounds. That diversity strengthens the bonds of our sport and our camaraderie.
  • We value these bonds more than any victory.
  • We respect each member’s identity,
  • We strive to provide a safe environment for all, both physically and emotionally.

Youth Players

  • Respect the game of hurling and show respect to the coaches, referees, volunteers and other youth hurlers.
  • Show respect to the coaches, referees, volunteers and other youth hurlers.
  • Listen intently to coaches, referees, parent volunteers, and other hurlers when they are talking, and follow all directions given to you by them.
  • Come prepared by dressing for the weather and bringing all necessary training/playing gear and water.
  • Respect and protect Club property and the personal belongings of others.
  • Never use your hurley to hit ANYONE or ANYTHING other than a sliotar.
  • Demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times, and represent your family, team, and the Club with pride and dignity.
  • Play fair, follow the rules of the game, and accept the judgement of referees on the field.
  • Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat by shaking hands with opponents after each game, win or lose.

Parents/ Guardians

  • Ensure that your child reads and understands what is expected from them regarding the MHC Code of Conduct.
  • Be familiar with the individuals who are coaching your child.
  • Be a role model for your child and maintain the highest standards of conduct when interacting with children, other parents, coaches and officials.
  • Behave responsibly on the sideline and set a good example by applauding good play on both sides.
  • Encourage your child to play by the rules and do not publicly question the judgement or honesty of coaches and officials. Respect their decisions and
    encourage your children to do the same.
  • Ensure your child is dressed properly for the weather, has the proper training/playing gear, and has water.
  • Know the start/finish times of games of training and matches. Bring children on time and arrange to collect your child after these sessions are over.
  • Inform your child’s coach(es) if your child is unable to attend matches.
  • Support the coaches and help out wherever necessary with activities associated with your child’s participation in the MHC.
  • Read and reply, when necessary, to communications issued by the MHC or its officials.

Adult Players

  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every player and treat players equally regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, or ability.
  • Respect and protect public facilities and Club property, as well as the personal belongings of others. Pick up after yourself and fellow hurlers to help maintain the facilities and equipment that we are fortunate enough to have.
  • Be punctual and come prepared with proper attire for the weather and all necessary training/playing gear. Helmets are mandatory and must be worn at all times during practices and matches. Let your coach/captain know if you’re unavailable for training or competition.
  • Demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times. Respect the sport and represent your family, team, and the Club with pride and dignity.
  • Show respect at all times for captains, coaches, officials, and opponents, and avoid criticism of these individuals. Decisions made by officials must be respected and accepted gracefully.
  • Crude or offensive language is not acceptable and bullying of any description will not be tolerated.
  • Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat by shaking hands with opponents after each game, win or lose.
  • Represent the MHC and its sponsors in a manner consistent with the best interests of the Club. Support our sponsors to the best of your abilitiy, and consistently act as an ambassador of the Club when visiting sponsors.
  • Assist with the operations of the Club, which includes special events, game day set‐up, officiating, tear down and organization.


All persons associated with the MHC are expected to uphold and promote this Code of Conduct in all roles that they undertake. Inappropriate behavior by any member of the club that undermines these values is unacceptable and will be considered a breach of the Club’s Code of Conduct. Such behavior will be subject to the progressive disciplinary actions of the Club which may include time forfeited during matches, elimination/suspension from activities or competition, and/or expulsion from the Milwaukee Hurling Club.